Private Network is Rising!
Undoubtedly the network system has opened up a completely new era for business. With the 5G network introduced to the public, not only does it enhance the experience for users, but also maximise company efficiency in more ways than ever! In fact, companies seize the opportunities to digitise their companies by automation. In this digitalised world, the need to access data at any time, any place is unprecedentedly high. Taking into consideration, not just solely for personal life is influenced by the advanced network systems, but also remote work mode and company workforce all over the place. Companies are taking advantage to expand their businesses and reform the structure. They’re renovating their operation structure to handle big data, cloud services, internet of things (IoT), AI, to name a few. Hence, secure and uninterrupted private network services are essential for companies to further manage and operate their business collectively.
Too many benefits, so just 5!
So, let’s understand how a private network is different from a public one. A company is able to achieve complete personalisation and control over their business connectivity with regular advantages of a private network. These advantages include low latency, greater capacity and bandwidth. With the help of private networks, companies are capable of consolidating their networking strategy across their own company.
- They are safe! Unlike public network systems, a private network does not have to connect to the greater telecom network. Such a private network makes them a rigorous security network. It is especially crucial to those companies that require high network security to protect confidential data.
- They are personalised! companies can alter changes and requests according to their own preference. This makes it immaculate for companies that have specifications over their internal network system.
- They are extensible! From a business perspective, dimensions are ever- changing to comply with business connectivity and transfer them into profitable factors, for instance, adding extra digital tools. In view of this, a good enterprise private network can grant more reliable and secure dimensions to the company.
- They are cost-saving! Of course it is, together with fast and easy installation that ultimately saves the cost of extra technicians.
- They are easy-accessible! Private network system allows companies to cautiously assemble numerous amounts of daily data generated from remote workforce.
Time to Choose Your Business Network Model!
Having some insight of the benefits of having a good private network system can off you, it’s time to know which model suits your companies the most.
LAN (Local Area Network)
LAN is the most prominent type of network appearing in most businesses and homes. Fundamentally, inter-connections are made through LAN in a confined geographical location, for example, a building or a house. Many may be concerned that the number of devices connected to the network will affect efficiency, the answer is NO.
WAN (Wide Area Network)
WAN stands for a large computer network which connects groups of computer devices from different distances. It is generally applied by businesses to bridge up with other offices in separate locations. A WAN connection is carried out using LANs in each office.
WLAN (Wireless Wide Area Network)
Similar to WAN, the major difference is WLAN connects with wireless communication. It is comparatively less wire-dependent to a WAN — a true meaning of MOBILE.
SAN (Storage Area Network)
SAN implements block storage — one of the two most prevalent storage systems to virtually store and access data. Block storage is relatively costly than a file storage system (the counterpart to block storage system) since they have higher demands on equipment. Back to the point, SAN is broadly applied in situations when the needs of data access in inter-connected storage devices from multiple servers are demanded.
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
With MAN, A vast geographical area such as university campuses and larger corporations can be covered with its wide-spreading computer network. For instance, various academic buildings located within the campus such as libraries, student halls, department buildings are linked together by MAN.
There are numerous types of network systems available on the market. They may sound similar when it comes to their functions, but it is the nuances that matter. Especially when it comes to the enterprise level, evaluating each pros and cons and selecting the optimal enterprise private network service will be your priority.